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Dedicated and Honorary Funds

The Honorable Warren Eginton Memorial Fund

U.S. District Judge Warren William Eginton, Connecticut's longest-serving federal judge, exemplified a dedication to the welfare of others both on and off the bench.  His contributions to improvement of the legal profession were demonstrated not only through his own professional integrity, but by the time he spent mentoring younger lawyers and judges and participating as an active member of numerous professional organizations dedicated to this purpose. These included the American Bar Foundation (as former state chair of fellows), the American Bar Association, the American Judicature Society, the Federal Bar Council, the Federal Bar Association, the Connecticut Bar Association, the Judiciary Leadership Development Council, the Institute of Judicial Administration, and the International Judicial Academy. He was also a charter member of the Connecticut Bar Foundation's James W. Cooper Fellows Program.


The law school scholarship program established in his name honors his legacy of mentoring others in the legal profession.

