Court Fees Grants-in-Aid
In an effort to replace drastically reduced IOLTA revenue after the Great Recession, the Connecticut General Assembly passed certain court fee increases in 2009, 2012, 2014 and 2016, directing the Judicial Branch to transfer the revenue from these increases to the Foundation to fund grants to IOLTA grantees. The Judicial Branch transfers the revenue from these increases to the Foundation monthly. The Foundation distributes the funds to current IOLTA grantees pursuant to Sec. 51-81c of the Connecticut General Statutes.
The public acts that established these increase are available here: Public Act No. 09-152, Public Act No. 12-89, Public Act No. 14-217 sec 179, or Public Act No. 16-26.

“The court filing fees provide crucial stability in a world of constant changing and often decreasing funding sources for legal aid. These fees are especially important as the number of low-income people in desperate circumstances increases, including people seeking safety from domestic violence, or struggling to prevent homelessness, or unable to obtain medical care. The filing fees make it possible for more of Connecticut’s most vulnerable citizens to access legal services to address these hardships.”
- Attorney Deborah Witkin, Executive Director, Connecticut Legal Services